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Only child, Nancy Bastien was born in Montreal in 1973. She grew up in a family
who favoured art in all its forms. Moreover, she quickly developed a keen interest
for drawing. She started her first courses at the age of eight.
Subsequently, for four years, she explored other mediums such as: watercolor, ink
of China, charcoal, sanguine, bistre and finally painting.
Encouraged by her school environment, she continued her studies at Collège Lionel-Groulx in Arts
Wishing to broaden her horizons, a few years later she enrolled in Drawing of
fashion at Marie-Victorin College.
Life then led him to build a professional career in nursing.
It was in 1995 that she decided to reconnect with her first passions and drink
therapeutic means that art brings to her. Since then, she has been making
acrylic and pastel.
In 2007, she chose to invest more in her artistic profession. Since then,
it promotes its work by participating in various collective exhibitions and
individuals in Quebec. Through her works, she wishes to contribute to stimulating communication
between individuals by sharing his passion for the arts.

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